To collect data about planning, conditions and per-formance of molecular diagnosis of MIDs, a literaturesearch in various electronic databases, such as Coch-rane library, MEDLINE, OMIM, GENETEST orEmbase, was carried out and original papers, meta-**yses, review papers and guideline recommendationswere reviewed.
Mutations may be either present in all mtDNA copies(homoplasmy) or only part of the mtDNA copies(heteroplasmy, coexistence of wild-type and mutatedmtDNA within a mitochondrion, cell or tissue)。 Only ifmutated mtDNA copies accumulate above a criticalthreshold (threshold level), which depends on age andtissue, a mutation is phenotypically expressed. This iswhy heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations behave as?recessive-like? traits. However, phenotypic expressionmay vary according to the intrinsic pathogenicity of amutation, its tissue distribution, the variable aerobicenergy-demand of di?erent tissues or organs and theindividual genetic background. Homoplasmic mtDNAmutations usually manifest as single-organ or evensingle cell-type-failure, like retinal ganglion cells inLeber?s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), whichmay be due to primary or secondary LHON mutations.
mtDNA mutations may be either classified as large-scale rearrangements or as point mutations.mtDNA rearrangements Large-scale mtDNA rear-rangements comprise single partial mtDNA-deletionsand, more rarely, partial duplications, which both areheteroplasmic. Three main phenotypes are associatedwith single mtDNA deletions: Kearns-Sayre-syndrome(KSS), sporadic progressive external ophthalmoplegia(PEO) and Pearson?s syndrome (Table 1).