Insomnia is the most prevalent sleep disorder in the general popula-tion, and is commonly encountered in medical practices. Insomnia isdefined as the subjective perception of difficulty with sleep initiation,duration, consolidation, or quality that occurs despite adequate oppor-tunity for sleep, and that results in some form of daytime impairment.1Insomnia may present with a variety of specific complaints and eti-ologies, making the evaluation and management of chronic insomniademanding on a clinician's time.
(1)toimprovesleepqualityandquantityand(2)toimproveinsomnia related daytime impairments. (Consensus)v Otherspecificoutcomeindicatorsforsleepgenerallyin-cludemeasuresofwaketimeaftersleeponset(WASO)
sleeponsetlatency(SOL)numberofawakenings,sleeptimeorsleepefficiency,formationofapositiveandclearassociation between the bed and sleeping, and improve-ment of sleep related psychological distress. (Consensus)v Sleepdiarydatashouldbecollectedpriortoandduringthe course of active treatment and in the case of relapse orreevaluationinthelongterm(every6months)。(Consen-sus)
In addition to clinical reassessment, repeated administra-tion of questionnaires and survey instruments may be use-ful in assessing outcome and guiding further treatment ef-forts. (Consensus)
Ideally, regardless of the therapy type, clinical reassess-ment should occur every few weeks and/or monthly untiltheinsomniaappearsstableorresolved,andthenevery6months, as the relapse rate for insomnia is high. (Consen-sus)
Whenasingletreatmentorcombinationoftreatmentshasbeen ineffective, other behavioral therapies, pharmacologi-cal therapies, combined therapies, or reevaluation for oc-cult comorbid disorders should be considered. (Consen-sus)
Educational interventions, including ...[詳細(xì)]
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