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您所在的位置:首頁 > 腫瘤科診療指南 > 2007BCSH骨髓瘤中影像應用指南


2014-05-23 16:39 閱讀:2616 來源:愛愛醫(yī) 責任編輯:張子玲
[導讀] These guidelines have been compiled by the Imaging Subgroupof the Guidelines Working Group of the UK Myeloma Forumand Nordic Myeloma Study Group on behalf of the BCSH.


    These guidelines have been compiled by the Imaging Subgroupof the Guidelines Working Group of the UK Myeloma Forumand Nordic Myeloma Study Group on behalf of the BCSH,including two UK haematologists, one Danish haematologistand two UK radiologists with specialist experience ofoncological radiology. Their production involved the followingsteps.


    The patient's perspective and the multidisciplinary team

    Although the skeletal survey is widely accepted as a standardand technically straightforward imaging technique in myelomapatients, the impact that this and other imaging investigationsmay have on a patient who has skeletal fractures, deformitiesor lytic lesions should not be underestimated. Adequateprovision should be made for **gesia or sedation to beadministered prior to the investigation being carried out.Following this initial investigation, any further imagingshould ideally be discussed in the setting of a multidisciplinaryteam meeting that includes an experienced radiologist andclinical oncologist. When necessary, the input of a specialistorthopaedic surgeon may be needed to advise on the need forsurgical stabilisation of bones vulnerable to fracture. Specialistservices may be available locally or in a nei**ouring hospital.There should be clear policies and protocols for access to theseservices.






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