Improving the care of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has been the focus of manydifferent organizations, and several have developedguidelines for management of CAP. Two of the mostwidely referenced are those of the Infectious DiseasesSociety of America (IDSA) and the American ThoracicSociety (ATS). In response to confusion regarding dif-ferences between their respective guidelines, the IDSAand the ATS convened a joint committee to develop aunified CAP guideline document.
The guidelines are intended primarily for use byemergency medicine physicians, hospitalists, and pri-mary care practitioners; however, the extensive litera-ture evaluation suggests that they are also an appro-priate starting point for consultation by specialists.Substantial overlap exists among the patients whomthese guidelines address and those discussed in the re-cently published guidelines for health care–associatedpneumonia (HCAP). Pneumonia in nonambulatoryresidents of nursing homes and other long-term carefacilities epidemiologically mirrors hospital-acquiredpneumonia and should be treated according to theHCAP guidelines. However, certain other patientswhose conditions are included in the designation ofHCAP are better served by management in accordancewith CAP guidelines with concern for specificpathogens.
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