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2013-10-13 10:55 閱讀:1769 來源:愛愛醫(yī)資源網(wǎng) 責任編輯:愛愛醫(yī)資源
[導讀] 《兒童及成人蕁麻疹評估和治療指南》內(nèi)容預覽 Summary Appropriate management of urticaria depends on the correct evaluation of clinicalpatterns and causes where these can be identified. Guidance for treatment is presented,based on the strengt


Appropriate management of urticaria depends on the correct evaluation of clinicalpatterns and causes where these can be identified. Guidance for treatment is presented,based on the strength of evidence available at the time of preparation. Asmany of the recommendations relate to the off-licence use of drugs, it is particularlyimportant that clinicians should be familiar with dosing and side-effects oftreatment in the context of managing urticaria.

These guidelines have been prepared for dermatologists onbehalf of the British Association of Dermatologists and reflectthe best data available at the time the report was prepared.Caution should be exercised in interpreting the data; theresults of future studies may require alterations of the conclusionsor recommendations in this report. It may be necessaryor even desirable to depart from the guidelines in the interestsof specific patients and special circumstances. Just as adherenceto the guidelines may not constitute defence against a claim ofnegligence, so deviation from them should not necessarily bedeemed negligent.






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