The crude incidence of cervical cancer in the European Unionis 13.2/100 000 and the crude mortality rate is 5.9/100 000women/year. Nearly 500 000 cervical cancer new cases areoccurring worldwide each year, responsible for 274 000 deaths.
Cervical cancer represents the third most common cause offemale mortality. The mortality is 10 times higher in developingcountries, where 80% of new cases occur, compared withdeveloped countries, since screening and treatmentprogrammes are frequently inaccessible to women indeveloping countries.
The screening capacity is satisfactory inmost European Union member states, even if, based on datafrom available screening registers, the coverage of the screeningtest is <80% in all programmes, ranging from 10% to 79%.Early age at first sexual intercourse and early pregnancies havebeen recently evidenced as risk factors for cervical cancer indeveloping countries. High-risk persistent infection withsexually transmittable human papillomavirus is responsible forvirtually all cases of cervical cancer. HPV-16 and HPV-18 arethe most prevalent of the oncogenic types. In addition toscreening techniques including conventional Papanicolaousmear and HPV DNA testing, primary prevention viavaccination against HPV is now available.
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