A systematic review was performedand is described in detail in the ac-companying technical report.31To de-velop the clinical practice guideline onthe management of T2DM in childrenand adolescents, the AAP convenedthe Subcommittee on Management ofT2DM in Children and Adolescentswith the support of the American Di-abetes Association, the PES, the AAFP,and the Academy of Nutrition andDietetics.
Potential weight loss or weightneutrality.
Because of a lower risk of hypogly-cemia, less frequent nger-stickBG measurements are requiredwith metformin, compared with insu-lin therapy or sulfonylureas.
Improves insulin sensitivity andmay normalize menstrual cyclesin females with polycystic ovarysyndrome. (Because metforminmay also improve fertility inpatients with polycystic ovary syn-drome, contraception is indicatedfor sexually active patients who wishto avoid pregnancy.)
Taking pills does not have the discom-fort associated with injections.
Less instruction time is required tostart oral medication, making it iseasier for busy practitioners toprescribe.
Adolescents do not always acceptinjections, so oral medicationmight enhance adherence.